Nashville's Homesharing Vote Delayed Again

The wait for a decision regarding Nashville's homesharing regulations just got a little longer. On Tuesday, Metro Council voted to defer their controversial short-term rental legislation until October 3. 

As it's currently written, the bill would phase out all non-owner occupied short-term rentals over the next three years. With the delay of the vote, Vice Mayor David Briley convened a committee to investigate and propose amendments to the bill, seeking a compromise with companies like Airbnb and HomeAway.

"In a shift away from a phase-out, Briley has said that he believes the 'only realistic way' for Nashville to regulate short-term rentals is for Metro to reach an agreement on data-sharing and enforcement with Airbnb, HomeAway and other short-term rental companies." (Source: Tennessean)

The upside of this delay is that it looks promising that the council will consider fair, common-sense regulations for short-term rentals in Nashville. The downside is that until final action is taken on the bill, Metro continues its restriction on issuing new permits for non-owner occupied short-term rentals. 

If you haven't yet, now is a great time to reach out to city council to let them know you support homesharing. 

And let's all keep our fingers crossed for the future of Airbnb in Nashville. 

Alece RonzinoComment
Stand Up for Homesharing

There is a lot going on Nashville and across the state of Tennessee regarding homesharing legislation. And if you support Airbnb as well as property rights, we need you to start speaking up.

Nashville Metro Council has proposed a bill (Bill BL2017-608) that would ban all non-owner-occupied short-term rentals. No one would be grandfathered in, so anyone who is currently permitted and legally operating their rental — which Metro Council told them they could do, back in 2015 — will lose that privilege in the next two years.

Hundreds of concerned citizens, on both sides of the argument, gathered last night at what became "the longest public hearing in recent memory at the Metro council, which wrapped up its meeting past midnight. But instead of voting on the controversial proposal that brought hundreds to the chambers, the council punted consideration of the measure for two more weeks."

After sitting there for 6 hours to show and voice my support for homesharing, it was a little disheartening for the vote to be deferred another two weeks. But it buys us 14 more days to speak up and let our council members know where we stand on this issue. 

At the hearing last night, many of those in support of the bill referred to the owners of non-owner-occupied rental homes as these big, bad investors and firms from outside the region. But the fact is that the majority of these types of rental properties are owned by Tennesseans. As one supporter perfectly stated last night, "Investor is not a four-letter word." These "big, bad investors" are our neighbors. Our community-minded citizens. Our fellow Nashvillians who care about providing for their families AND supporting the sustainable growth of our city. 

So... What can you do?

You can call and email your council members to tell them you want them to VOTE NO to Bill 608.

Don't worry about being wordy or eloquent. Short and succinct is always best! Simply voice your support for homesharing and your opposition of Bill 608. State clearly that you oppose any ban or phaseout/moratorium on short-term rentals. 

Reach out to your district's council member, all at-large council members, and the Vice Mayor. All their contact information is available here →  You can also email all council members with this one email address →

If you feel unsure of what to say, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Who you are and why homesharing is important to you

  • Why Nashville residents should be able to share their homes

  • How homesharing helps local residents earn extra income to cover household bills and afford to live in our ever-increasingly expensive city

  • How homesharing brings visitors and business travelers to more neighborhoods, where they spend more of their money at local businesses

  • Why you want fair, common-sense regulations for short-term rentals in Nashville

Be polite, positive, and gracious, thanking them for their time and consideration. Always include your address at the end of your email, as it's crucial for council to know they are hearing from constituents.

The council is scheduled to vote on this issue on Tuesday, May 16, 2017. Please let your voice be heard before then!

And if you need any further evidence that homesharing is good for Nashville, take a look at these numbers: